SMP (Super Mix Plast) is a factory manufactured polymer-modified cement-based plaster. It is ready to use by just mixing water at the site. It is normally applied to masonry interiors and exteriors to achieve a smooth and even surface. “SMP (Super Mix Plast)” contains processed and fine graded sand is free from silt and other impurities which gives a better quality of plaster and crack-free surface.


  • SMP is used as a replacement to traditional plastering.
  • Under coating and plastering over existing concrete and brick/block walls.
  • Use as a levelling plaster for correction of surface undulation in bare concrete block and other cementations substrates.
  • Basic levelling of concrete, light weight blocks and bricks.
  • Filling holes and irregularities, levelling walls and ceilings.
  • Create a levelled surface from uneven masonry or concrete wall.
  • Least rebound loss in comparison to traditional plastering.
  • Minimizes cracking & shrinkage free.
  • Saves both manpower & time with better work yield per day.


  • Surface should be cleaned by removing dirty, soil and roof runoff stains.
  • Take 5 to 5.5 litre of water on a bucket and gradually add SMP (25kg) in it. Approx. Ration 20 – 22% by weight.
  • Mixing can be done manually or by electrical stirrer (for better result) till homogenous mix is obtained.
  • After proper mixing leave the paste for 5 to 10 minutes for polymeric dispersion before application.
  • Use mixture within 1 hour of preparation of mix.
  • Hard & set plaster should not be mixed again.
  • Correct ration of water and SMP is essential for better results.


Sr. No. Testing Parameter Specification
1 SMP – Mixing Ratio 5.0 to 5.5 litre water for 25 kg material Approx: 20-22% by weight
2 Product Colour Grey
3 Maximum Aggregate Size Less than 3mm
4 Thickness of Layer 6 – 12 mm
5 Pot Life 1 – 2 hours


  • Masonry Wall
  • AAC/CLC Block Wall
  • RCC Wall Surfaces


  • Factory sealed bags are best before 6 months from the date of manufacturing in unopened condition stored in dry area.


  • 25 kg & 40 kg bag is available.